Sunday, August 23, 2009

A night apart

Well the hospital kept Terra overnight last night because she lost so much blood. Saturday morning at 3 am Terra nudged me and said I am bleeding again. We called some wonderful friends from the ward and dropped Maylee off and we went to the ER again. They did another ultrasound and decided to admit Terra because during the week her hemoglobin had dropped to 9. They performed a D&C and then the doctor spoke with me. Right after he was finished they called the doctor back into OR because Terra was bleeding too much. They gave her a medicine to cause the uterus to contract and checked Terra to see if she might need a transfusion. Her hemoglobin had dropped to 7 so they did not want to let Terra go home. I knew I would have to go watch our beautiful daughter, but I have never left Terra alone in the hospital overnight before. It was so hard to leave her so sick. We spoke to each other about 4 times throughout the night. Maylee was very well behaved for me. I did enjoy rocking her to sleep, but it was very different to be alone with my daughter. I have been taking care of her alot during these last two weeks, but Terra was always around if I didn't know what to do. Anyway, Terra was discharged today and is home. This short night of separation from my sweetheart has made my heart swell. I love her! She is my life! I feel so grateful to have her in my life! I said many a prayer during this last week to thank my Heavenly Father for such a wonderful wife and daughter. We have been well taken care of during this as we have many friends who helped out. We could not have done this without them. Thanks!


  1. You made me cry. You two are sooo sweet. We love you three. Kale keeps walking around saying "cousin Maylee, cousin maylee". Pretty cute!

  2. We are so glad that you got that taken care of. We miss you guys and can't wait for you to be up here! Good work daddy! :)
