So Timothy had last week off of school. It was nice to have him home for the week. We spent lots of time finishing my school work, and cleaning everything. We also had some fun with friends. We went to see a couple of movies, which was really fun. We saw Alien vs. Monster at the dollar theaters, it was hilarious! We also saw Harry Potter, which of course was really good. We went miniature golfing with some friends and had a blast! We had never gone together before.
It was just a really nice and relaxing, for the most part, week. Timothy is now back in school finishing his last quarter of classes before rotations. He got a 4.0 last quarter and I am really proud of him. He works so hard in school and in everything he does, and I know that the Lord blesses us both so much because of it.
Nice work TP!! Terra, you look SO cute!