Thursday, October 6, 2011

time flies!!!

Well, I have definitely not been so good at this blog thing lately. Here are a few updates and pics:)

Maylee LOVES her daddy

Maylee on a pony ride
our tea party, both Maylee and I got dressed up
in "princess" dresses and had water and animal crackers.
We wen to the zoo lots this summer.
this is Maylee with her aunt Melanie.
Adam and Mel came for a whole month,
it was so fun to see them and play:)
Dinosaurs at the zoo with Kale and Lincoln
Maylee in her "cool" glasses
My brother Sieben and his wife Clary. They got
Married on August 9th. Maylee loves her aunt Clary.
The kiddos at the temple after the wedding
We went to a sound park in park city during our family vacation.
The kids (and adults) had a blast!
Lincoln and Maylee on Dusty:)
Maylee LOVES horses
Family pics:) Grandma and Grandpa with the kiddos
more fun at the zoo
the ZOO trip during family vacation.
maylee is learning how to use chop sticks.
We Love chinese.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

catch up time

Okay so I got a phone with a better camera than our old camera, but it took me a while to figure out how to download the pictures from the phone to the computer. So here is the last few months:) hope you enjoy:)
Smoot Easter Party
We had an Easter party at our house for the Smoots. It was really fun. We had BBQ pulled sandwiches and an Easter egg/candy hunt for the kids. Timothy helped me hide the eggs and he ended up dropping one down the speaker. We had to take the speaker off the wall to get the egg out. It was pretty funny. We also got to try out the theater. We watched Megamind. It was awesome! thanks everyone for all your help:)
Sarah and Maylee enjoying thier hard earned candy during the movie
Samuel and Jon during the Easter egg hunt
Grandma during the Easter egg hunt
The egg hunt
The kids waiting to go down to find the eggs.

Easter Party with friends
We went to Kim's for a friend Easter party. It was so fun and Maylee had so much fun. She didn't like the easter egg hunt though. All she wanted to do once outside was to swing and play in the sand. It was really cute.

Maylee loved playing in the sand with
all the other kids

The smaller kids were having fun taking turns
riding in the dump truck.

Maylee loves to slide
maylee was only interested in the swing, she
didn't want to pick up any eggs. She ran past
all the eggs and tried to climb into the swing
herself. She was really cute.
These are the bunnies we made.
Kim is so creative.
making the bunnies
Maylee and Nara playing
coloring fun pictures for Easter

Ward Easter Party
the kids were all allowed 5 eggs. They got
to decorate their own bags to put the eggs in
Alma stayed the night and helped me
with Maylee at the ward party:)
They had lots of fun

Alma's mission call
We all met at Mom's to watch Alma open his call and guess where he was going to go. It was really fun. Adam and Mel skyped with us so they could be there to.
Everyone got to guess where Alma was going
to go and we put it on the map. Sieben was the
closest he picked just Texas.
Everyone was taking pics at the same time
it was so funny.
And the call is to San Antonio Texas:)
Hurray! Congrats Alma. We love you
Maylee and Timothy
These two are hilarious together. I love them both so much and I am so glad that I get to spend every day with them. Maylee is so cute and she just brightens my day.
Maylee loves her daddy so much
and he loves her:)

building a fort with Daddy

Outside is soooo Fun

Maylee loves this hat. For the past week she
will put it on and run around the house. she
even went to bed with it one night.

Jared's Graduation
So this last weekend Jared, Timothy's brother, graduated with his PHD in Biochemistry. We drove up to Montana to see his graduation. It was really fun and good to see Jared and Rae and
the kids. Maylee was shy at first, but eventually she warmed up and had a great time with the cousins.

this is Lorae and Becca waiting
for the graduation to start.
After the graduation we went to
the duck pond and fed the ducks.
The Bowden's :)
congrats Jared
The three Doctors Bowden.
Timtohy, Jared, and Anton

Maylee was so tired timothy had to take her out
several times during the graduation.
She sure loves her dad!